Uncover The Secrets Of Depreciating Airbnb (Vacation) Rentals

Depreciation is such an important tax deduction for Airbnb rental owners. This benefit is not always obvious to first-time investors. Homeowners can deduct the cost of rental property through yearly deductions. Sound deprecation strategy along with 1031 exchange can be a defining factor in making the most out of your Airbnb rental and maximizing the… Continue reading Uncover The Secrets Of Depreciating Airbnb (Vacation) Rentals

Three Things You Must Know (Airbnb Rentals and 1031 Exchange)

When you swap one property with another through 1031 exchange there are great tax benefits. 1031 Exchanges are possible with Airbnb Rentals (STR) but there are things you need to watch out for. There is a reason that this term is very popular amongst investment pros. Very often when working with our investors, we get… Continue reading Three Things You Must Know (Airbnb Rentals and 1031 Exchange)

10 Ultimate Steps To Buying Your First STR Investment Property

1 – Define Your Investment Goals and Priorities At Chalet, we’ve found that there are three primary types of investors: The Pure Investor – This investor is focused solely on ROI.  The Investor Who Wants it All – This investor is focused on ROI but also wants to use the property as a vacation home.… Continue reading 10 Ultimate Steps To Buying Your First STR Investment Property

STR- Glossary Of Terms

STR – Short Term Rental Cap Rate – Also known as Capitalization Rate is a measure used to estimate and compare the rates of return on an investment property. Cap Rate is calculated by dividing the property’s net operating income from its property asset value. Formula: Net Operating Income/ Asset Value. Cash on Cash –… Continue reading STR- Glossary Of Terms

What is a short-term rental?

Short-term rentals continue to grow as a topic of discussion, with platforms like Airbnb and VRBO joining the conversation in the past decade. At Chalet, we are making owning an income-generating short-term rental possible for the everyday person. We want to make this dream a reality for all, not just those with money or years… Continue reading What is a short-term rental?

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